Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Candidate Notes July 2013 : "I'm not looking for work at the moment."

If you are actively looking for work or a happy Passive Candidate these Notes are intended to keep you up to date with developments in the jobs’ market, forthcoming events and our news.


“I’m not looking for work at the moment.”  

 2 simple things that you could be doing now for when that changes.

Imagine that your current job is perfect. It is with the right company, it has the right job title and the right salary. Your boss seems to really understand your personality and is saying all the right things about career development and you are excited by the company’s brand and product.

Chances are that you are not too worried about updating your CV or thinking about your career over the next 2-3 years’ time. But perhaps you should be….

Facts and Figures
Fast forward 2 years and imagine you are sat in an interview and someone is asking you “what your best achievement was” or “what the Return on Investment was on the £30k L&D project that you led” or “why you took the opportunity to lead on the Employee Benefits benchmarking project”.

Wouldn’t it be great if you had the facts to hand?  Wouldn’t it be useful to have made a note of some of your projects and successes when you were doing them rather than having to dig through scribbled notes or Excel Speadsheets that you can’t quite remember where they are filed?

Start making those notes and filing those facts and figures now. Create a work diary or a simple CPD work folder and fill it in as you go along. 
“We’re not sure you’ve quite got enough….”
Getting the perfect job was not easy. You made 20-30 CV applications, 10 1st interviews and 4 2nd interviews. At some stage you were told you were a little light on experience somewhere.

List those perceived weaknesses now when they are still fresh in your mind and seek out projects and experiences to make sure you can work on them. Make sure that in 2 years’ time no one could make the same comments with any justification.

You might be just starting out in that perfect job or you might be the most passive of candidates but one day you WILL be grateful for your attention to detail.


Interview advice to avoid.
7 Ways HR knows you are conducting a job search.
10 things to think about when looking for a job.

These are highlights from our Flipboard Magazine ‘HR, Recruitment and Talent Development’ 

Subscribe here for updates straight to your iPad/Tablet/smartphone.


1-2 Oct  :  World of Learning Conference & Exhibition (Birmingham NEC)
24 Sept  :  CIPD Coaching Conference
3 Dec  :  Social Media in HR Conference

Please note that these are not Wright Solutions run events, we thought they looked interesting and worth your consideration.


We are now listing Featured Jobs on our Facebook page.

In addition to LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook we are now also pinning to Pinterest.  

We hope you will continue to find these Notes of interest. We are constantly looking to improve the service we offer and would be grateful for any feedback.


The Wright Solutions Team.



Wright Solutions is a specialist HR Consultancy. We attract, place and develop the highest calibre candidates in Executive, HR and Learning & Development roles. Our service is more than recruitment with our training solutions that give Leadership and Management teams the competitive advantage for today and tomorrow.
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