Wednesday, 13 February 2013

You can't 'un-invent' email. So........

We are often frustrated about how difficult it can be to get people to pick up the phone and talk to us and we are known to moan about how some people just seem to want to write an email rather than talk.

We are also pretty sure we are not alone.

But you can’t 'un-invent' email.

It is an invaluable business tool and whilst some of us can remember a time when we did do business without it none of us could imagine doing business without it now.

So how come no one is ever asked at interview about their email skills? How come we have never been told to ask a candidate to show evidence of their emailing as part of the interview process?

We are often arranging for candidates to deliver a 10 minute presentation for a role where they unlikely to ever have to do a presentation as part of their job. It is also very common for us to arrange a Telephone Interview (and not just because of ease but because the interviewer wants to see how they can communicate over the phone given that they will be doing a lot of it in the job).

BUT those same candidates are never tested for a skill that they will need to use all the time (ie. Emailing).

So we wanted to pose some questions....
Should you be thinking about arranging Email Interviews as part of your interview process?

Or is this a ridiculous idea?

Should we all actually be using email less and talking to people more?


Wright Solutions is a specialist HR Consultancy. We attract, place and develop the highest calibre candidates in Executive, HR and Learning & Development roles. Our service is more than recruitment with our training solutions that give Leadership and Management teams the competitive advantage for today and tomorrow.

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