Friday, 12 October 2012

Technology and Recruitment: Beating the process

We lamented in a previous blog how the increasing use of technology is making recruitment less about people and more about 'ticking the boxes'.

However much we would like to deny it though, a blog from us is unlikely to change things drastically!

So we thought that what might be useful is a secondary blog that points out where some of the technology leads the process, what pitfalls that they might present to the candidate and how to beat them.

Most Recruiters (including us) are probably using a piece of software called Broadbean (or similar) that allows them to write 1 advert and post it quickly with the click of a button to multiple job boards, twitter, facebook and linkedin. This clever piece of software also means that candidates who apply will probably find their CVs automatically loaded on to the database of the recruiter and a note made of the application

What then happens is that the consultant looks at the individual and sees instantly what they have applied for.

All sounds very useful so far.

But imagine if you are a job seeker who is keenly looking for work and prepared and able to drop back to an admin role, step sideways in to a team leader role or get promoted to a managerial/director role. You live in Leeds; have family in Birmingham and a holiday home in Exeter. Yes you can absolutely apply for the 6 or 7 jobs you saw advertised by one national recruiter and you can do so confidently and with justification.

BUT what does the process look like to that recruiter when they look at the system and see you have applied for 7 jobs at levels from HR Director to HR Administrator in Stafford, Birmingham, Wakefield and Bristol.

It might look confused, random and badly thought out. And even though you have written a cover letter that explains your situation as clearly as you can the recruiter may not be able to see it, or may not have the time to read it (they have 30-40 other applicants to respond to as well). There is a chance therefore that they might prefer to look at the candidate who seems to have taken a more thoughtful approach to their job hunt!

Look at it another way though. You have just seen 6-7 jobs advertised by 1 agency and they are all of relevance to you. Are they then not the perfect agency to be talking to and building a relationship with? What stops you picking up the phone to say, “I am looking for a job. I notice that you have about 7 that might be of relevance. Can I talk to you about my situation and see whether they might suit”.

Remember people buy people. And recruiters are people. Make a friend with them and they are the ones who should be able to recommend you to a Financial Services role as the ‘perfect candidate’ even though you have only ever worked in Distribution.

Don’t let the technology that is supposed to make things easier actually make things harder for you as a jobseeker.

Wright Solutions is a specialist HR Consultancy. We attract, place and develop the highest calibre candidates in Executive, HR and Learning & Development roles. Our service is more than recruitment with our training solutions that give Leadership and Management teams the competitive advantage for today and tomorrow.
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