Tuesday, 11 September 2012

App Turns 'Dull' Employee Training Into a Game

Compliance training will never be the same again! We have leveraged mobile apps to turn compliance testing into a game-like experience in an effort to make mandatory training less tedious to employees. The app has the look and feel of a computer game but provides employees with training on topics things like Information and data security, sexual harassment and compliance. 

Instead of reading boring documents or watching corporate videos, “training” can now be completed in 15 minutes of gameplay. Employers can measure the progress of players, and the app is compatible with both iOS and Android apps and can be played on any computer hooked up to the web. Training games can also be customised based on a company’s needs.

While training may never be fun, we think a gaming aspect is more memorable than flicking through a flash-based lesson or conventional presentation.

Two things underpin the approach. The first is that playing games engages people in solving problems and motivates them to do it. Alongside that is the story-telling aspect, which improves people’s recall of what they learn. So we can take something dry about insider trading or Sarbanes-Oxley [American accounting regulations] and slip that into a game, a story, and we know that people are much more likely to remember it than with other forms of training.

To see the apps in action call Paul Wright on 0121 222 5599.

Wright Solutions is a specialist HR Consultancy. We attract, place and develop the highest calibre candidates in Executive, HR and Learning & Development roles. Our service is more than recruitment with our training solutions that give Leadership and Management teams the competitive advantage for today and tomorrow.

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