Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Creating Innovation : 5 Golden Rules

After the success of our recent Breakfast Seminar on Innovation we asked our Lead Consultant and Innovation Guru (Mark Brown) to come up with some ideas as to how you can create a more Innovative and Dynamic working environment.



If you want your team and organisation to be more creative and innovative start these 5 easy practices today and for all time:

1 - Everyone to Innovate, Everywhere, Everyday
  • Innovation is for all.
  • Innovation isn’t just about a few smart folk coming up with new products and services.
  • Total Innovation means you and everyone else, every day, want to come up with great ideas about how you can do everything better or differently so as to enchant and delight customers.

2 - Make many more mistakes
  • In those areas where you want innovation, quadruple your mistake and failure rate – try out loads of new ideas – fast, for free, safely – learn quickly, then try again.

nb. Don’t innovate in areas where it is dangerous to do so. Don’t try landing the aircraft upside down.

3 - Celebrate glorious mistakes
  • Celebrate and applaud these glorious failures and mistakes.

4 - Sacred Cows Aren’t 
  • Just because ‘we’ve always done it that way’ is no excuse for carrying on doing it that way.

5 - Good to Great to Brilliant
  • Don’t just solve problems.
  • Take those things you do well and find even better ways to do them.
  • And start to do completely new things you’ve never thought of doing that will enchant and delight your customers.

Mark is available to you to discuss individual business issues and explain how our Total Innovation Management programme can help businesses realise their Innovation potential.

We can support you in increasing the impact of your Innovation efforts through the following;
  • Executive Innovation Clinic - Align executives around their understanding of Innovation and to acknowledge the role Innovation should play within the organisation.
  • Leading Innovation - How can your leaders create, sustain and lead for innovation?
  • The Creative Individual - How can your people have better ideas and approach tasks more creatively?
  • Issue 'X' - What is it and how do you overcome it?

Utilising the Dolphin Index™, The 0D-4D Control Creativity Framework™, GISA™ and Can-Do Framework™ as well as on-going support you will embed creativity and innovation throughout the business

For more information call 0121 222 5599.

We are running a repeat Seminar on 5th July for anyone interested


Wright Solutions is a specialist HR Consultancy. We attract and place the highest calibre candidates in Executive, HR and Learning & Development roles. We also support and develop businesses in making the most of their talent.

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