Monday, 30 April 2012

Pre Event Offer - Breakfast Seminar (15th May) : Successful Innovation

There are still places available for our free Breakfast Seminar on 15th May and we are now able to offer you a chance to have your own on-line personal profile taken prior to the event. 

The Dolphin Index can help release the creative and innovative potential within specific key teams, departments and throughout your entire organisation.  

It matches your score in the 13 dimensions* of innovation against norms established by other respondents and many years of research.  

As soon as you have completed all the questions you will get an immediate snapshot of your results. If you want a permanent record you need to print your profile BEFORE leaving the screen and don’t forget to bring it along on the day.

Mark Brown will be available to discuss results on a 1-2-1 basis at the completion of the morning’s activities.

Please click here to start.

*The 13 dimensions:

This dimension refers to the extent to which employees are committed to organizational goals and operations. This covers the amount of emotional involvement that members of the organization or team feel to the goals of the organization (or team/division). This dimension also refers to the extent to which the work is perceived as stimulating and engaging.

This dimension refers to the extent to which employees have opportunities to make their own decisions, seek information and show initiative. The extent that there is freedom from tight supervision within the organization. It focuses on the independence that individuals have in their jobs.

This dimension refers to the extent to which employees are encouraged to put forward ideas and suggest improvements. This also focuses on initiative and around the feeling of encouragement and support from the organization regarding the generation of ideas.

This dimension refers to the extent to which people trust and get on well with one another at work. This also refers to the extent that there is an absence of personal conflicts.

This dimension refers to the extent to which the atmosphere is dynamic, lively and exciting. Dynamic environments are characterised by high levels of positive change.

This dimension refers to the extent to which people laugh and joke with one another. Moreover, it refers to the extent and ease to which humour is used and displayed in the organization.

This dimension refers to the extent to which people are perceived as having creative ideas and varied perspectives towards their work. This also refers to the level of debates encouraged in the organization.

The extent to which people feel overburdened and under pressure at work. This also refers to the extent that people do not feel they have the resources to cope with the demands at work.

This dimension refers to the extent to which new ideas may be implemented and where people are prepared to take risks. Uncertainty is tolerated and decisions are taken quickly regarding actions.

This dimension refers to the extent to which employees have the time to generate and consider new ideas. This dimension focuses on the time allowed and encouraged in an organization regarding the generation of new ideas.

This dimension refers to the extent to which there are open and adequate communications between more and less senior employees. This also refers to the extent to which individuals feel that there is openness between people at work.

This dimension refers to the extent that people are satisfied with their remuneration and appropriately rewarded for the effort and work that they do.

This dimension refers to the extent that people receive praise for their achievements. This includes the extent to which individuals’ efforts are recognised in terms of encouragement and support.

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