Tuesday, 17 December 2013

CANDIDATE NOTES : 3 New Year's Resolutions for Job Seekers

Whether you are actively looking for work or a happy ‘Passive Candidate’ these notes are intended to keep you up to date with developments in the jobs’ market, forthcoming events and our news.
3 New Year’s Resolutions for Job Seekers.
If you are thinking about becoming a Job Seeker in the New Year we have 3 Resolutions for you to consider.
Don’t ignore the recruiters PROCESS 
We always argue that you should be comfortable picking up the phone and talking to the recruiter but if that recruiter says “can you send me your CV” then do so. During a recent campaign we were inundated with LinkedIn requests, Twitter DMs and semi-speculative e-mails but we didn’t always get the CV! We don’t think the ‘perfect’ candidate slipped through the net but they could have done.
Take pride in your application
There are plenty of online blogs and articles heralding the end of the CV but the truth is that the CV and Application Form / Cover Letter is not yet dead! It remains the first thing that a recruiter and prospective employer sees about you. So typos, wrong dates, mixed up formats, and cover letters addressed to the wrong person and job are what they might see first. You want first impressions to count favourably 
Know what your USP is
What makes you special? What are your strengths? Why are you better than the next candidate? It is good to know this and have a unique selling point that will appeal to a prospective employer. Make yourself stand out by being prepared to sell your skills and strengths in a suitable manner.
If you are reading this and are a HR professional looking for a new job then let us have a copy of that CV!
These are highlights from our Flipboard Magazine ‘HR, Recruitment and Talent Development’ 

Subscribe here for updates straight to your iPad/Tablet/smartphone.

FEATURED JOBS – It’s not Christmas just yet! 

It might be December but we are still pretty busy and so don’t think that we have stopped listing Featured Jobs on our Facebook page. 

Like Us to keep abreast of newly posted roles.

WHAT’S GOING IN 2014 – Sorry it’s not long until January!

4-5 Feb : HR Directors Business Summit 2014
< COME & SEE US. We’ll be showing off our
Brainstorming Platform and you’ll be able to use it. 
11 Feb :
The Whitehall & Industry Group - “Take Control of Your Career”
12-13 Feb :
CIPD - HR Business Partner Conference
Please note that these are not Wright Solutions run events, we thought they looked interesting and worth your consideration.


As ever we are keen to keep in touch with you. If you have a new CV to send us or an update in your job status please do let us know and please don’t be shy about giving us any feedback on this newsletter when you do. 

We look forward to hearing from you. 


The Wright Solutions Team.

Wright Solutions is a specialist HR Consultancy. We attract, place and develop the highest calibre candidates in Executive, HR and Learning & Development roles. Our service is more than recruitment with our training solutions that give Leadership and Management teams the competitive advantage for today and tomorrow.

Follow us on


Monday, 25 November 2013

Candidate Notes : Don't ASSUME it will be quiet in December

If you are actively looking for work or a happy Passive Candidate these Notes are intended to keep you up to date with developments in the jobs’ market, forthcoming events and our news.
Why you shouldn’t assume it will be quiet on the job front in December.
Companies and managers want to start new projects in January.
Put yourself in the employers shoes and what would you rather be doing on January 2nd. Get cracking with a strong team in place or start thinking about looking at Job Specs and CVs and planning assessment centres.
The more forward thinking companies have DONE their recruitment by January.
Recruiting in December avoids the ‘Time Wasters’.
How often do we see people looking more keenly for a ‘Counter Offer’ rather than a new job in January. By contrast the person interviewing on December 22nd is showing genuine intent to go the extra mile and find a new job.
The savvy recruiter knows that December candidates are serious about their job hunting.
There is TIME to recruit in December. There isn’t in January.
Recruiting takes time for interviewers as well as interviewees. Often Senior Managers are closer to home in December and so may be more able to find the time to interview and make decisions.
The busy manager will be looking to get things wrapped up before Christmas.
There is real evidence that “December is Quiet” is a myth so our advice is to get your CV up to date now and be ready to be applying for roles and interviewing. If you take your eye off the ball on the assumption that it will be quiet and you could miss out on the perfect job.
These are highlights from our Flipboard Magazine ‘HR, Recruitment and Talent Development’
Subscribe here
for updates straight to your iPad/Tablet/smartphone.


5 Dec : #rcnvs - Social & Mobile Recruiting
4-5 Feb : HR Directors Business Summit 2014
< COME & SEE US. We’ll be showing off our Brainstorming Platform (see below) and you’ll be able to use it.  11 Feb : The Whitehall & Industry Group - “Take Control of Your Career”
12-13 Feb : CIPD - HR Business Partner Conference

Please note that these are not Wright Solutions run events, we thought they looked interesting and worth your consideration.


Need a problem solved quickly? Get the entire team on it
Have a look at our NEW solution to help you share ideas, solve problems, tackle ignored opportunities and unlock innovation.

Blog :
“The best way to have a GOOD idea is to have LOTS of ideas”
Demo : Click here to Schedule a Free Demonstration


We are now listing Featured Jobs on our Facebook page.
In addition to LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook we are now also pinning to Pinterest.

We hope you will continue to find these Notes of interest. We are constantly looking to improve the service we offer and would be grateful for any feedback.


The Wright Solutions Team.
Wright Solutions is a specialist HR Consultancy. We attract, place and develop the highest calibre candidates in Executive, HR and Learning & Development roles. Our service is more than recruitment with our training solutions that give Leadership and Management teams the competitive advantage for today and tomorrow.

Follow us on

Friday, 18 October 2013

Candidate Notes October 2013 : 3 things to give your application the edge

If you are actively looking for work or a happy Passive Candidate these Notes are intended to keep you up to date with developments in the jobs’ market, forthcoming events and our news.

‘It’s very competitive out there’: 3 things you could do better during your job hunt to give your application the edge.

Have a look at the advert you are replying to. Does your CV highlight the relevant and specific experience asked for? Do you need to clarify previous job titles or explain industry sector experience to make sure you stand out? Is it worth explaining why you are applying for a role in Birmingham when you live in Essex?
  • There is no rule that says you are only allowed to use 1 CV so give some thought about tailoring your application for each job and making sure you stand out.
Are all your contact details on your CV and application? Are they up to date and accurate? Are you replying promptly to calls from recruiters?
  • Sounds simple but you would be amazed how many people leave a mobile number off a CV or don’t reply to a call for 3 weeks. Make sure you don’t miss out on a job because you can’t be contacted by a recruiter.

Interview Availability.
It is unlikely that you will get a new job without an interview. Have you thought about how you will make yourself available? Can you keep a day a week clear for interviews? Can you save up some holiday to use if needs be?
  • Try and be the candidate with a plan. Make yourself available and accessible rather than only willing to do interviews out of hours. Make a friend of the interviewer before you have even seen them!


These are highlights from our Flipboard Magazine ‘HR, Recruitment and Talent Development’ 

Subscribe here for updates straight to your iPad/Tablet/smartphone.


6 NovCIPD Annual Conference & Exhibition
4-5 Feb HR Directors Business Summit 2014
7 Feb The HR Talks…
13 Mar HR & Talent Management Conference

Please note that these are not Wright Solutions run events, we thought they looked interesting and worth your consideration. 

Have a look at our NEW solution to help you share ideas, solve problems, tackle ignored opportunities and unlock innovation.

: Click here to Schedule a Free Demonstration

We are now listing Featured Jobs on our Facebook page.
In addition to LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook we are now also pinning to Pinterest.  

We hope you will continue to find these Notes of interest. We are constantly looking to improve the service we offer and would be grateful for any feedback.


The Wright Solutions Team.


Wright Solutions is a specialist HR Consultancy. We attract, place and develop the highest calibre candidates in Executive, HR and Learning & Development roles. Our service is more than recruitment with our training solutions that give Leadership and Management teams the competitive advantage for today and tomorrow.
Follow us on